I know that older folk like me always say that food was better when we were young, but think about how Easter eggs have changed over the years. While the names and basic packaging may have stayed the same, you cannot doubt that Cadbury's Cream Eggs, for one, doesn't taste the same since Cadbury's was taken over by US giant Kraft.The chocolate's not the same and the creamy centre not a patch on its past.

Admittedly, tastes have changed. Today, Rowntree's Chocolate Cream Eggs, first made in 1963, live on as 'Cadbury's' (or Kraft's) yellow-and-white fondant-filled eggs. However, nostalgists, like me, talk lovingly of a mint edition that didn't stay on the shelves, as well as the long-gone Border Cream Egg in tartan foil. And what about other much-loved and missed treats like Mackintosh's Toffee and Mallow Eggs, a real favourite of mine when I was a boy. They were axed in 90s - so sad!  Then there was the Texan - Rowntree's chocolate nougat bar, available in an Easter egg, with the slogan 'A man's gotta chew, what a man's gotta chew''. The Texan Egg was on sale from 1972 to 1981.

Any other Easter Eggs you miss? The Easter eggs that time forgot!  


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