The Paleolithic Diet

Can we learn from our ancestors when it comes to dieting? Well, there is a new buzz in the word of nutrition - 'Paleo'. Paleo is derived from 'Paleolithic' referring to the prehistoric period and in terms of diet it is based on the idea that human genetics have hardly changed since the beginning of the agricultural revolution when the Paleolithic era finished.

According to Andrea Bayles, a nutritional therapist, there is strong evidence coming out from Paleo experts that saturated fat is not as evil as we may think and that wholegrains are not as good for us as we are led to believe. But more and more people are feeling the benefits of following a Paleo diet and are improving their health, particularly those with chronic conditions. The diet is based on the foods that our ancestors ate, mostly meat, organ meat (offal), fish, eggs, plants and traditional fats such as lard, coconut oil and olive oil. Bone broth soups figure highly in the diet and for those who can tolerate them, nuts and seeds and some fruit.

The diet does not include dairy and all its products - so out with the cheese, yoghurt and butter. All grains are to be avoided and this includes wheat, rice, oats, spelt, rye, barley, cous-cous and any other starchy cereal. In addition, all beans and pulses should be completely avoided, so vegetarians and vegans, this is not a diet for you.

Fats are a major source of energy to the body, as well as glucose, and they help to support our immune system, providing us with healthy skin, hair and they keep our body temperature under control. We know that fat-free and low-fat products on the shelves of our supermarkets containing additives and sugars to make them taste good. In fact, nutritional researchers have shown that there is more sugar added to low-fat yoghurt than the calorific value of the fat it would contain if it was full-fat. Sugar is converted to glucose, which, if it isn't used up as energy just converts to body fat.

Going back to this ancestral way of eating has been explored by many scientists and nutritional experts all over the world and this Paleo way of life is growing all the time in the western world. The healthy benefits and weight loss potential are great reasons for using the Paleo diet as a way of defining your own personal dietary regime.


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