It is Britain's National Beer Day today and it is to be held annually on
June 15th starting now.
Join us to celebrate Britain’s national
alcoholic drink and help us spread the beery love. At 12.15pm today join in a national cheers to beer and help us trend on Twitter by
tweeting using the hashtag #CheersBDB. Please download the information pack for
more details.
June 15th is also the date that Magna Carta
was sealed in 1215 and in 2015 it will be the 800th anniversary with national
and international celebrations. Article 35 of the great charter stated:
‘Let there be throughout our
kingdom a single measure for wine and a single measure for ale and a single
measure for corn, namely “the London quarter”‘. Ale was so important in England in 1215 that
it was mentioned in one of the most significant legal documents in history –
the influence of which has been described as England’s greatest export. Beer
lovers might argue that beer is Britain’s greatest export because in the 18th
century British ships spread the desire for beer to all hemispheres of the
world. More styles of beer invented in Britain are now brewed regularly around
the world than those of any other brewing nation. These include Pale Ale, India
Pale Ale, Mild, Brown Ale, Stout, Porter, Imperial Russian Stout, and Barley
Today beer and pubs are still central to the
social health of the nation and in economic terms they contribute £22 billion
annually to Britain’s GDP. One job in brewing generates twenty one jobs in
agriculture, retail, pubs, and the supply chain.
Britain’s brewing scene is the most dynamic and exciting it has ever been with
more breweries per capita than any other country. There are so many great
reasons to go to the pub, visit a brewery, ride on an ale rail, brew a
celebration ale, or host a beery BBQ on Beer Day Britain and rejoice with a
delicious glass of British beer.
Who is Behind Beer Day Britain? - Beer Day Britain is supported by major organisations in the beer industry
including Britain’s Beer Alliance, British Beer & Pub Association, Society
of Independent Brewers, Campaign for Real Ale, Cask Marque, Independent Family
Brewers of Britain, Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers, British Hop
Association and more. The initiator and driving force behind Beer Day Britain
is Jane Peyton (Beer sommelier of the year, author,
events producer and evange-ale-ist) and she is also the project manager.
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